Admiral Lady and other Updates

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Admiral Lady and other Updates

Well twelve days into this thing and Revenge is up to over a thousand sales and some pretty positive reviews. Thank you everyone who has purchased a book and special thanks to everyone who’s had time to fire off a review. At 540 pages its both the largest book to date and I like to think one of the best in the series. Sales so far seem to back that up, we’ll see what the final month end tally is!

In other news I’m currently working on a novella-novel (not sure the exact size) that takes place at the same time as Trial-Revenge, following what happened to Akantha while Jason was locked away in durance vile and then leading up to the point where Akantha waltzes back on scene at the end of Revenge.

Tentatively titled: Admiral’s Lady: Ashes for Ashes, Blood for Blood

The plan is to tell the tale of what happened when Akantha decided to share some of her pain with the betrayers back on Capria who helped engineer their terrible losses during the assualt on the Omicron. It seems she has a name for her pain and it is King James and his bickering Parliament. You’ll be able to find out what happened as soon as I’m done writing it.

In other news, we weathered the Typhoon just fine, and the relatives over on Leyte (the island that took the brunt of Yolanda/Haiyan) were weeping with gratitude when we managed to send food and money over to palompan leyte. Their little tin roofed rickety wooden houses had been blown away with the storm and a new born baby (born before the storm) was in the hospital, fortunately the cousin we sent over with the supplies (stuff not only from us but from some of the wife’s relatives who’d already immagrated to the states) also had his christmas bonus and was able to pay for the baby’s hospital visit.

We have been very blessed that our island was barely effected during the height of the storm.

The Deposed King


  1. BoneCrushin - November 17, 2013 9:59 pm

    Really looking forward to akanthas adventure to capri and how gants does as her xo! Glad everyones ok.

  2. KTnTx - November 19, 2013 8:29 am

    I loved the most recent book. Any word on a new witch guard book? (I know I am being greedy but I have enjoyed both series). Also god bless for your family and we will keep them in our prayers.

  3. The Deposed King - November 19, 2013 5:27 pm

    Well my intention is to finish the Akantha spin off, and then decide whether its Admiral Invincible or the next Falon. I’m leaning towards the Admiral due to strictly monetary factors. (the Witch Guard didn’t sell as well or get a lot of reviews) But it will depend on my level of motivation.

    I will say that I was feeling uninspired yesterday on the new Admiral’s Lady and switch hit over on The Painting (Falon 2) and did some revise and extend editing maneuver, trying for inspiration and in the process bumped Falon 2 up from 15k to 17k.

    So anyways, probably Admiral’s Lady, Admiral Invincible, The Painting (Falon 2) will be the writing schedule. But don’t hold me to it 😉 the last two could be subject to change. With a possible 3rd party candidate in the running for the 3 spot.

    Wish I had a better answer for you.

    The Deposed King

  4. KTnTx - November 20, 2013 7:26 pm

    Considering I also enjoy reading Patrick Rothfuss and he publishes at the blistering rate of 1 book every 36 months or so, I guess I can be patient. LOL

  5. Vamen - November 22, 2013 12:18 am

    Ok, that was worth a chuckle, KTnTx 🙂

  6. Kitten - November 26, 2013 1:08 am

    Ooooo… These are the exact words I have been waiting for (Yeah, I am a little late but TAFE is winding down to it’s ultimate end… [I.e. I am finishing my diploma in the next 2-3 weeks] so I have been a little [read: a lot] busy, but better late than never!)

    I can’t wait to see if Jason finally snaps at Akantha (Eh heh…) also I can’t wait for some more Falon, but honestly I really want more admiral!

  7. JackR - November 26, 2013 11:27 am

    I have really enjoyed the Admiral series, and whilst waiting for the next book decided to read the “Rise of the Witch Guard” books. Wow another great series in the making, please, please write more and publish them soon so I can buy them asap!

  8. Johntae - December 10, 2013 6:57 pm

    No updates in awhile. Hope you all are doing okay. Stay safe.

  9. The Deposed King - December 11, 2013 12:52 am

    Everyone is doing fine. No updates in a while because things have been going a little slowly over here on the writing front.

    I’m still hopeful to finish the Akantha book this month and start in on the next project.

    The Deposed King

  10. Rosilyn - December 14, 2013 1:27 pm

    I started reading your Admiral series and blew through them in just about 5 weeks. I have even read the Akantha novella. I am now checking daily for Admiral Invincible. I just cannot resist Jason, the hapless royal hero. Plus, the combination of advanced technology, royalty, and swords is irresistible. I have recommended these novels to friends who also like science fiction, particularly space opera.

    My only negative in reading your books is the number of typos and near homonyms. A little more proofreading would be in order. But, don’t let that slow you down! You have a great gift to be able to write a story like this, something that I envy and admire.

    Just keep them coming.

  11. The Deposed King - December 18, 2013 2:56 am

    Its always great to hear from a fan. Right now I am closing in on Admiral’s Lady: Ashes for Ashes, Blood for Blood. And hopefully can get started on the next project!

    The Deposed King

  12. Doug - December 28, 2013 11:13 am

    Loved the Admiral series. 5 stars. Best sci-fi I’ve read in a while. Thank you for putting your creative genius to work for us. Reading your bio and from what comes across in your writing, I believe we would be like “birds of a feather”. I love it that the Admiral books are ‘clean’… devoid of shall I say useless, steamier segments. There is enough of that in all forms of media, so this is a wonderful break. For the listed reasons I have recommended the series to my teenagers.

  13. The Deposed King - December 29, 2013 7:03 am

    I didn’t want to write a will-she/won’t-he steamy so called romance angle. For this series I wanted something that hit all the tried and true tropes that make sci-fi so much fun yet was also something I could be proud enough to show my kids when they grow up (or at least not be ashamed of). And instead of writing the currently standard angsty courtship of the sci-fi world of today, dragged out over multiple books, I instead decided that while I would touched on it (people after all have to meet for the first time at some point) I mostly skipped forward (to a more historic bent) and plopped the ‘love interests’ into a betrothal/marriage situation which I haven’t seen done a lot.

    I also wanted the relationship between Akantha and Jason to be ‘real’ which meant I needed something tasteful but at the same time wouldn’t make my ears burn too much writing it.

    I essentially wanted to have my cake and eat it too. All the tropes that make sci-fi great (I like Captain Kirk shooting the bad guys and getting the girl) without having to having to sit down with my kids at some point and explain why I tell them one thing and write another and feel embarrassed about the whole thing. I mean a few things skip by me and of course married people do what married people. And this is a sci-fi book where the good guy gets the girl but still.

    I also tried hard to eliminate swear words.

    Now I’m not perfect and I can’t swear what I’ll do in other series until I get there. However and most especially for this series, the Spinewards Sectors series, my intent and focus is to write a book that is good clean fun.

    I mean I always try to ask myself is this book fun and I get embarrassed if my characters start swearing or I try to write a ‘romance’ scene so I don’t expect things to change too much


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