Admiral’s Lady: Eyes of Ice, Heart of Fire

From the Blog

Admiral’s Lady: Eyes of Ice, Heart of Fire

By popular demand I am releasing Admiral’s Lady: Eyes of Ice, Heart of Fire.  This is a 150 page prequel novella, starring Akantha and which tells the story of how she came to be upon the Lucky Clover.  Written by my brother and co-authored and edited by myself I hope you all enjoy!

After all I had to give you something to chew on until the 3rd book is ready.

Don’t worry we’re still neurotically whittling away on Admiral’s Tribulation as fast as our editing team can get the newly modified chapters back to us for review.

The Deposed King

P.S. – Just uploaded Admiral’s Lady on amazon, so it should be up in 6-12 hours!

(hint-hint: The events of this book start on the planet and conclude right around the beginning of Chapter 25 in Admiral Who?)


  1. Vamen - April 14, 2013 11:27 pm

    We plan to run one of this novella’s free promotion days on amazon sometime in the next few days, so if you can wait then you’ll get a copy for free.

    We would, of course, understand if your patience won’t hold that long and you give in to your appetite early 😉

  2. Paul - April 15, 2013 1:02 am

    Looking forward to it! I’ll grab it as soon as its available.

  3. Kitten - April 15, 2013 2:21 am

    Yaaaay!!! Got…

  4. Kitten - April 15, 2013 7:59 am

    …and reviewed… Awesome work. Hope we get some more from her point of view in more short novellas like this!

  5. Vamen - April 15, 2013 4:22 pm

    Thanks for the review! It really is humbling to hear that you enjoyed the work. I tried to get inside her head a little, to show who she is, where she came from, and why she runs amok every now and then in the main series 😉 She’s a fascinating character, and easily the most complex of the main series, for me.

    If anyone else enjoyed the book, I’d encourage you to write a review.

    But if you aren’t comfortable writing a review, you can still go to the product’s page on Amazon and up- or down-vote the reviews you agree or disagree with, using the little ‘was this review helpful’ tool at the bottom of every review.

    We had some one and two star reviews hurt the first book’s momentum, and a run of eloquent five stars that really helped, so with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can make an impact on how Amazon ranks the product! A five star review, with 20/23 agreeing is more demonstrative than a review with one or two people giving it the thumbs up.

    Again, thanks for the kind words, as well as your support, Kitten.


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