Admiral’s Throne Update

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Admiral’s Throne Update

Hi Guys time for a quick update I’m up to 94k on the rough draft and still going strong. About 5k a day for the past few days. I’m hoping to finish the book by the end of this month or first week of next and then get it off to the editor.

So far so good. Right now I’m in the middle of the Bug campaign.


The Deposed King


  1. cookiehunter - October 26, 2018 6:13 am

    so he gets suckered into fighting them again despite what the snippets say XD

    • Rene Christensen - October 27, 2018 4:53 pm

      Well we don’t know when or what he gets in return, but yeah sounds like he fights them. Not that there was much doubt of that, I just hope he manages to translate it into goodwill and resources. Not to mention an end to all embargoes against Tracto, restitution for the damages done and of course an official apology for the political and personal attacks Jason has suffered over the years while struggling to protect the worlds of the spine.

      Just to start off with, after that they could start talking about cleaning up the government, building up the military, working towards independence from the confederation, the complete failure of the current government on all levels and turning the spine into Jason’s personal kingdom etc.

  2. Joshua Wachter - October 30, 2018 6:09 pm

    You don’t want much do you, Rene? :))

    The Deposed King

    • rene - November 1, 2018 8:42 am

      Well Jason finally has them over a barrel. An end to the trade embargoes plus reperations for lost revenue seems a fair starting point. Most of the remaining points might be good to have as bargaining chips for whatever payment they end up agreeing on. Jason should be able to spin this into an economic and political victory. Maybe even gain some ground with the public

      • Joshua Wachter - November 5, 2018 3:45 pm

        I hope things work out the way he hopes! Honestly

        The Deposed King

        • Rene Christensen - November 6, 2018 9:11 pm


  3. Barrett tipaton - November 30, 2018 5:24 pm

    When will Admirals throne be released?
    Just read reread all the books and side stories. Reading the other new book now

  4. bob - December 1, 2018 12:59 am

    Is there some problem with as I cant get on that website.

  5. Jamison Hutchinson - December 22, 2018 6:29 am

    So, how goes it?

    Can we do proof reading somehow?

    If not, cool, but how goes the manuscript?

    We are all desperate to read it!

    • Rene - December 25, 2018 9:07 am

      That we are, guess it’ll take the time it takes though. Doesn’t mean we aren’t eager for news and snippets

  6. Bone - February 4, 2019 1:10 am

    Any news? Been 3 months ish.

  7. Bone - June 3, 2019 5:58 am

    Any news? Been about 4 months this time lol


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