Admiral’s Tribulation Uploaded

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Admiral’s Tribulation Uploaded

I just uploaded this thing about 5 minutes ago.Β  So expect Book 3 Admiral’s Tribulation to go live any time within the next 6-12 hours.

Make sure and let me know what you think!

The Deposed King


  1. Andrew - April 21, 2013 1:59 am

    argh the anticipation is killing me

  2. Alex - April 21, 2013 4:23 am


  3. Ayende Rahien - April 21, 2013 7:43 am

    Nothing yet on Amazon πŸ™

  4. Kitten - April 21, 2013 8:10 am


  5. Kitten - April 21, 2013 8:11 am

    Not showing for me yet… just wanted to voice my excitement about it being submitted…

  6. Archit - April 21, 2013 9:16 am

    Hope it come out soon

  7. Kitten - April 21, 2013 11:23 am

    Wooo… now I have an actual page to refresh obsessively!!!

    Also, I commented on the thread at Amazon but I will do it here too, will we get to see the new covers before they are actual new covers? I ask cos I helped Hugh Howey and Matthew Mather with some of there covers and through that I kinda found a fascination with them… also, truth be told, I skipped on “Admiral Who?” so many times because of the cover, What can I say, when you are as spoiled for choice as you are on Amazon, or you are just in a rush to find a book to read while going somewhere, you DO judge a book by it’s cover, hell, I passed Hugh Howey’s “Wool 1” a few thousand times because of the cover… thankfully there was a lull in good books… Also, thankful for a lull in good books I finally gave “Admiral Who?” a chance…

    But enough about that, while typing this up, the book now has a “buy now” button… so I have… and now to go and read it!!!


    Uhum… sorry bout that…

  8. Emil - April 21, 2013 12:10 pm

    Book bought, book being read.
    Cant stress how much I’ve been looking forward to this book during last week.
    Re-read Admiral who? and Admiral’s Gambit this week, twice! And halfway through on the first one today again ;D

    Possible ‘Call in sick’ situation tomorrow ;D

    N.1 European Fan

  9. kevin - April 21, 2013 2:10 pm

    We are just getting warmmed up…..

    I like the story a lot and am very pleased to see this is just the start of a great story franchise.

  10. Vamen - April 21, 2013 4:13 pm

    Kitten – We have talked about presenting the covers to the diehards like you guys, and I think we will do just that sometime in the next couple months. Plan is to slap one on book 4 similar to this one, then redo ALL of them afterward. I have an artist hired to come up with a new, less cartoony, series of art.

  11. Harmony - April 21, 2013 4:33 pm

    For some reason the cover has Joshua Wacher in big letters where the author’s name would normally be. Was that a mistake?

  12. Vamen - April 21, 2013 4:52 pm

    No mistake, Harmony =) Luke Sky Wachter is his son’s name (whose birthday it was yesterday, btw), and as a display of fatherly love, he uses Luke Sky as his pen name.

    But the cover art of the books always has his real name. What can we say? My brother Josh has a quirky sense of humor. He likes to bury easter eggs for his readers to find!

  13. The Deposed King - April 21, 2013 4:59 pm

    I’ll let the brother carry this one!

    The Deposed King

  14. Harmony - April 21, 2013 5:04 pm

    Real name or pen name, you might want to stick with just one name to avoid reader confusion. Luckly your last name is not common, but if another Wachter starts publishing on Amazon you could have a problem.

  15. Vamen - April 21, 2013 6:32 pm

    We have discussed it at length, and it’s a great point, Harmony (nice choice of handle, to go with the topic, btw). We will be re-doing all the covers sometime in the next month or two, and that is high on the list of things to re-visit. Thanks for pointing it out, seriously. All the input is helpful!

  16. Alves - April 21, 2013 11:14 pm


    When will the other half/book be out? πŸ˜›

  17. Vamen - April 22, 2013 12:21 am

    You guys are ridiculous, lol. If you enjoyed it and you’re finished already, I would ask you to write a review πŸ˜‰ The only way we gain traction on amazon is via social proof that you liked it, and a highly rated review is the best measure of customer satisfaction.

    Don’t worry about making it sound perfect; just say what you think! I know that I, personally, tend to mistrust an item that has too-perfectly-written reviews. But no spoilers, please… πŸ˜‰

  18. Vamen - April 22, 2013 1:13 am

    But to answer your question, I’m at page 64 of 406 on the first pass of the edit. Normally, I would do 3-4 passes, but thanks to superpsycho at, I think I’m getting more efficient. I’m still not a pro, but I AM a quick study πŸ˜‰ I’m shooting for two passes this go-round, then it’s off to the betas and the psycho for final review.

    Incidentally, I’m going to try making a widget on this site, so that interested people to sign up for E-ARCs (and other goodies, like cover art impressions…) this week. My first priority right now (maybe mistakenly) is to edit book four, at least one pass, before sinking my teeth into the business side of things.

    If there are any aspiring authors out there, I would encourage you to check out superpsycho is the big hoss over there, and he has compiled TONS of great tools and resources for writers, editors, and anyone else interested in seeing the process from the other side of the looking glass.

  19. Vamen - April 22, 2013 1:16 am

    Should be about a week per pass of editing, then another week or two for the final review process. I’m saying one month, give or take ten days.

  20. Kitten - April 22, 2013 10:48 am

    I know it’s not my place but I was thinking about the above discussion with Harmony and, as I do, I decided to see what I would do to solve this and… well… here is what I came up with…

  21. Emil - April 22, 2013 11:52 am

    Just woke up after: Waiting all day yesterday for the release, updating the page sometimes several times per minute, once bought, I immedily put on a pot of coffe and started reading. I only stopped reading as I had to go to work (My alarm woke up and told me to get my ass up, and I realised I just read the book through all the night, didnt actually even drink the coffe even..). So I go to work, I read briefly on my mobile phone (Got kindle on my phone) whenever I can, and quit the day early. I come home, and continue reading, once finished, I immedily go to bed. By that, I mean that I just walked to my bed with clothes & everything and just fell into it.
    Woke up 9 hours later and here I am.

    That’s how my day was, how were YOURS?

    Question: Do you still look for Beta readers? I noticed a few times in the book sentences that didnt make any sense to me, and a few times where words were scrambled.
    If so, whats the requirments?

  22. Paul - April 22, 2013 2:30 pm

    All righty . . .

    Ok purchased read and reviewed

    Maybe not my best review but I didn’t want to spoil anything this early in the game.

    Great enjoyable story IMHO, thanks much.

  23. Kitten - April 22, 2013 3:55 pm

    So yeah, is there some place I can send a list of small errors I have found?

  24. Vamen - April 22, 2013 4:04 pm

    I want the aforementioned widget to be able to collect samples of errors you guys spot, as well. I will try to get that thing live as quickly as possible, but that might be a week or two.

  25. Vamen - April 22, 2013 8:07 pm

    Thanks for the review, Paul! Nicely written, as far as I’m concerned. All the positive support is helpful=)

  26. The Deposed King - April 22, 2013 8:17 pm

    @ the Picture people, Harmony and Kitten, I’m going to leave you with my brother. He’s got the answers on that front right now, so he’s the guy you need to go back and forth with on both on the pictures and nits! Also I hate to even say it but all the other authors are so freaking paranoid about it somebody must have got burned along the way, so don’t post anything on the blog here (or anywhere I might be) with the expectation of monetary reward. Same thing with story ideas as with pic’s. I pay strictly in snippets, whatever insights I might have on my books and the writing process both specific and general and as may eventually become a reality, tickets (the virtual kind that exist only in my head) in an e-arcs lottery. Essentially what you’ve seen here already along with a (hopefully) more participatory process for the fans that hang out here, are what you get!

    @Paul thanks for the review man. Its important to know what you guys think about the new book, I’m glad you thought it was a great enjoyable story. Part of the reason we’re thinking about doing an e-arc process which will be kind of a hybrid beta-reader/e-arc thing, is so we can get your feed back on the front end as well as get some help fixing up all those pesky little nits that slip through the editing filters. Obviously the book is the book but anything we can do to fix the process, the story and the readability, plot holes, etc, to help you guys have a more enjoyable read and bump up our eventual amazon review star ratings to help sales is important. I write these things to make money of course, but I can do that anywhere with a 9-5 job as a nurse, the biggest part for me is writing a story I would enjoy to read. And sure pride of ownership makes me want it to be the best book possible but also as the writer I get sucked into the story almost as much as the reader. So I write this for you guys mainly because I want to write cool stories! I realize that’s not always going to happen, due to my own flaws and failing, but not because of an honest effort at the old heave ho!!!

    @Emil (Evil Grin) I’m see reports of a lot of Zombie like activity. But no actual reports on the story itself. Just a strange trance like state.
    What happened to my ‘N.1 European Fan’? The tag line was gone from your latest comment. :))

    The Deposed King

  27. Emil - April 22, 2013 11:57 pm

    Gonna force myself to wait until tomorrow or day after that before I read the book again, its like a drug.. I’ve taken it, and I want more!
    And yes, sorry about the line. I saw it once I posted my post, but I was unable to edit my post(No edit option?) and I didnt want to clog the thread by double posting for just 1 line, next time however, I will!

    Question: Are you doing decent sales by selling the books? I remember that you said a few months back that you would only take writing as a full time job if it actually was able to bring in money. (Gotta feed the kids, I suppose >.<)

    And here, what you all been waiting for!:
    N.1 European Fan

  28. Emil - April 23, 2013 12:15 am

    And note:
    Never writen an review before, so gonna have to do a bit research on how to do a proper one.
    I intend to read the book over atleast once before the review though, so I can do it my whole soul.
    And as I study up on that, I might aswell do a review for the first 2 books aswell. I do however require some time, got some real life messing with my free time currently.

    Have you ever considered doing an audio of the book? Seems alot of publishers/writers do that currently on amazon. Would be nice listening to as I work, study, drive, eat dinner with my relatives..

    N.1 European Fan

  29. Kitten - April 23, 2013 12:29 am

    Yeah, I should have clarified but I didn’t want to seem, forceful? Probably not the right word but anywho… I will clarify now,

    If you wish to use anything I post ever, I do not and will not ever accept any reward in return, never have and never will, I am not a professional so I do not expect to be treated as one.

    My only reward I accept is the continuance of the work that I am pledging my time, how ever long or short it is, to…

    I.e. The only reward I hope for is for you to continue what you are doing… The point of my point above is what I think would look good and as I have a very hard time explaining my self about anything I choose to use pictures instead of words, the only reason I put real effort into it was because the last time I threw something together as an example, the author ran with it, not saying he didn’t have my blessing or he did it without my knowledge, it’s just he used it against my better judgement as I though it looked like crap but he and everyone else that had posted in the thread I was in liked it and it was used. I was honored by it, I just wish I had put a little more effort into it…

    I already feel like I owe you for the entertainment I have received at such a small cost, so far I have contributed $12… For more than 12 to 13 hours of entertainment, I paid $80 for a game that lasted 11 hours and I will never play again, I will read these books again… Over and over again… and my hours of entertainment will increase. I like to contribute any and every skill I have to keep things easier for you guys as one less thing to worry about means more time for the things I care about, which at this point is this story…

    Also, it’s kinda cool to see something I made on something I like immensely… (Not that I am saying/implying/typing that I expect it to be used) XD

    Now my defensive pose is out of the way I just want to go on record to say that I am not offended or annoyed or angry in any way about your stance, I 100% understand it and accept it. I would be the same way.

    And now that all that is out of the way…

    I am now off to write a quick review and then go to sleep, I have been awake since 10 yesterday morning and it is currently 3 in the afternoon… Cos I had a meeting with a mate about something and a certain book had kept me up all night so I skipped the sleep… XD

    – Kitten

    P.s. If I rambled then please forgive me, I am dead tired… me no thinkey clearly…

  30. The Deposed King - April 23, 2013 1:36 am

    @ Kitten. No worries. I just felt I needed to get that out there since I don’t know that I have a disclaimer on the site itself (sigh). For myself I feel the exact same way you do when I go on someone else’s site and try to help out but there are the persnickity little nit pick monsters out there trying to rain on someone’s parade so I just kind of threw it up there in more of a general position statement than as anything aimed directly at you.

    With that out of the way, I hope you keep enjoying the books as they come out and keep on putting ideas and other such stuff up on the blog. AS I’ve mentioned before my brother is in charge of the art and nitpicking (nit=the grammar stuff in this case) right now. But I’m more than willing to take a gander at it.

    Hope I didn’t come across too strong in my previous post and thanks for the review BTW. Just saw it. Glad we manged to make the grammar and everything else hang together for you. AS for the content, when I sat down to write this one out I asked myself, just how long could an essentially untrained guy hold things together before he’s caused enough trouble trying to ‘do the right thing’ that he’s been noticed and they send in the big guns to deal with him. Maybe if he’d been willing to murder the Parliamentary crew from the get go…

    Anyway everything was wound so tight something had to give and boy did it!

    This book was about everything falling to pieces and especially the reaction of a bunch of hard asses when it did.

    For instance when I originally planned the Bogart sub-plot I just had an A-to-C Parliament makes its play to seize control of the ship and takes the gun deck. Then as I was sitting at a Weird Al Concert in Lewis County listening to some of his more action packed music, I thought to myself. The Hades, Chief Bogart is just going to stand by, sit down, and let a bunch of Parliamentary Mutineers come and take his gun deck out from under him. Not after almost being killed in book two as well as everything that happened to him before joining the Lucky Clover.

    Thus was the Gun Deck rumble born.

    The next book (book 4) will essentially be about getting Jason out of Hock.

    When I originally wrote the monster that would eventually be split up into Admiral’s Tribulation and Admiral’s Trial, I didn’t want it to end until the ‘Jason is out of play angle’ was cleaned up and taken care of so we could move forward full speed ahead.

    Which is why, mainly in the next book, events are set into motion (by Akantha for one!)that in either book 5 or in that one and also in a spin off like Admiral’s Lady, won’t bode well for anyone and everyone she personally blames for this mess. Starting with King James and continuing with Parliament and the Rump. Of course she’s not the only one with a few scores settle and she’ll have to stand in line behind a certain irate top Confederation Fleet Officer when they come to grips again with old Uncle Montagne!

    @ Emil: We’re just two days out of the gate but Admiral’s Tribulation roared out there with better sales than either two books. Breaking every single day record I’ve had so far, for any book.

    Best ever for Admiral Who was a daily sales in the 50’s. Best ever for Gambit was in the 60’s. So far both days Tribulation’s been out we’ve been in the very low 90’s. If this book can hold in the 50+ range for 2-4 week range, depending on how much plus is in that 50+, and the book doesn’t turn you readers off purchasing the next book, I ‘should’ be able to keep writing this entire year, baring catastrophe.

    After that will depend just how much I’m earning and if the Spineward Sectors and any other novels I write along the way keep you guys interested and engaged. I’ve only got so much savings set aside before I run out. But hopefully these books make enough I can keep doing this indefinitely.

    As for Audio books and dead tree copies and all that. Sure I’ve looked at it and maybe around book 5 its time to start actively pursuing those options. Right now we’re focused on widening out hybrid beta/e-arc readers by improving this site and trying to figure out the marketing angle at places like good reads, to make these books and this series be all it can be. Hopefully before Book 4 is out the gate. After that it will possibly be time to work on those audio and dead tree angles.

    The Deposed King

  31. Isern - April 23, 2013 1:43 am

    Just finished my second read-through a short while ago and posted my short 5star review. I am looking forward to Admiral’s Trial; I MUST know what happens next!

  32. Vamen - April 23, 2013 1:54 am

    Kitten- I really like your examplar for a title header! And hey, sorry we have to get so blasted paranoid about stuff like this… in past lives, we’ve actually had to go to the mats (read: court) over issues which really seemed trivial. Nothing regarding the books, just stuff we’ve been involved with before. With today’s culture of litigation, it really sucks that interactions have to carry twenty nine pages of waivers, disclaimers, and hold harmless agreements, but it’s the world we live in. ::sigh::

    Here’s my thought… I have an artist hired, and was going to have him punch up something like your work, even before seeing your idea – which is way be4ter than anything i had thought of. I have something I need to add to it, but if we can get that exact header you did – just make it bordered, with a colored body – we can use it on the new art when it’s produced. I’ll see if my guy can do it, since I’d like some graphics in it (containing more easter eggs, maybe) and, like I said, I need to make literally one structural addition… something Josh and I have kicked around and decided would be perfect.

    But that is freaking awesome, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care if it took you ten minutes or ten hours; I really like it.

  33. Alves - April 23, 2013 8:57 am

    The Deposed King – just out of curiosity… Are you already writing the next book (the one after admiral’s trial, I mean)? D:

  34. Kitten - April 23, 2013 9:10 am

    @DK: As I said, I fully understand you point of view and need for such disclaimers, personally I should have said something from the get go… One of these days I will figure out a way to try to be helpful without coming across as wanting something in return… one of these days… XD

    You will not believe how happy I am just to read the few words “that in either book 5 or” cos that means there is a book 5 in the planning… and I am insanely obsessed with this series, when I first started reading “Admiral Who?” for the first two chapters I took a while to get into it, I think it took me three days to read two chapters but I was sick at the time and had nothing better to do so I forged on one morning and finished it, then a couple of days later you released book two and I destroyed that in I think a day or so and then during the wait between that and now I can’t seem to get this book out of my head, I keep thinking about it, I keep hoping to find the same style of story (Young nobody is forced into a seat of power against their will but has to fight to keep it no matter what) on Amazon but nothing comes even close… I really can’t get this out of my head…

    As for the content, you really did a masterful thing, a lot of books series need a “Fan meet crap, crap, fan” book but they either screw the royal pooch and it’s the down fall of the series or they just don’t do one, but you did it and it was practically flawless (As I said, that one tiny paragraph about the cousin popping her head into the fray seemed a little out of place, but I mostly forgot all about that) and although, I prefer the smooth sailing style of stories more, I know of, understand and pretty much need these kinds of story arc’s, ones that make me feel uncomfortable or on the edge of my seat, they make a story seem more, real, if you will…

    I liked the gun deck rumble (Duke Nukem reference FTW!!!) but the single man army against the Armored Prince’s Engineering was imho cooler… but that was just me… XD

    And I really hope they get the Clover back and still manage to keep the AP with Akantha in charge, that would be sweet beyond compare!

    I was wondering though, will you ever include a “how to pronounce” section, there are a lot of non standard names and things and I have a hard time trying to figure out how to pronounce these things in my head, Like Jason’s last name, I get the Vekna (vek-nah) but not the Montagne (My brain says Montey-Gnu (like emu) but when I stop to actually look at it, I think it should be pronounced “Mon-Tag-Knee”) and a lot of Akantha’s (A-Can-th-ah? Rhymes with “A Panther”) worlds names…

    And I, personally, will be one of the ones who would get both dead tree and Audio-Book versions of these… So I was wondering if you would do it like Hugh Howey has where you can buy a book from his site (+ postage and handling costs naturally) and get a signed copy? I have three of his books signed and they are some of my more prized possessions and I would love to buy a copy of each of the “Spineward Sectors” novels (and the current and any future) novelettes just to put them on display in my office…

    But yeah, that took me half an hour to write… which is kinda sad considering the lack of things I just wrote… XD

    Also I am with Isern on the whole “I MUST know what happens next” and to steal from Emil: Thanks for all of this.

    – Your #1 fan in the southern hemisphere… XP


    Why thank you, that makes the whole effort worth every second! And yeah, don’t worry about it, it is one billion percent understandable, there are a lot of, asshats, in this world who want nothing but to further them selves and who don’t care about the rest, so yeah, I kinda actually expected it deep down, it actually took me a good hour to decide to click the “Submit Comment” button, and I had written the post like a billion different ways but in the end I figured it would be better to defend my self after than to make my self look like a pompous ass before… So yeah… I would have acted the same way!

    And now that is out of the way, let me just re-state this now for the record:

    Anything I offer as a suggestion or example on this site is yours to do with as you wish with no form of compensation for my self other than maybe a thank you or a “that looks good” or a “Godamn that looks crap… where you on crack at the time?” I live for criticism and props… XD

    but that is done and through… to the real subject at hand:

    If you ever wish to use what I did then all you need to do is ask (My email is attached to this post as I need to provide it just so I can post… XP) I can give it in any format you desire except GIF and BMP (Not that I can’t do it in these two formats but BMP is irrelevant and GIF is an abomination that should be shot…) and prefer not to work with JPEG (Too many artifacts…) I can also make any change needed or wanted as it is stored locally on my PC as a vector based file with the text still being editable text… Just so you know that is, I can’t wait to see what you and the artist come up with!

    And well… I should stop typing now… I started this post a long while ago and I need to stop typing… XD

    But once again, thank you for the kind words!

    And thank you both for the responses! Glad we could clear all that up!

    – John “Kitten” Jarrett

    P.s. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes or if it seems like I lost what I was talking about… I probably did… XD

  35. Gazza - April 23, 2013 12:41 pm

    Not Happy. Went to Amazon to purchase only to find that the UK is excluded on initial Release.

    When is this due to change?

  36. The Deposed King - April 23, 2013 5:44 pm

    @ Gazza: I set it up worldwide and its still listed as for sale world wide. So I got no clue what’s up with that.

    I’d check it out again and after that… Well I could never advise you to go in and manually change your physical address on your amazon to a USA address and then purchase the book after which you would just go and change your address back to your real address. I certainly never did that when a book I was interested in was only available for sale electronically in the UK (whistles off to the side)

    The Deposed King

  37. The Deposed King - April 23, 2013 5:59 pm

    @ Alvez: Actually current plan is to spit out a fantasy type book between now and the final edit, before Admiral’s Trial goes live.

    Personally I like to have my last book set in stone, as it where, before going forward. The MC stuff is pretty unchanged but sometimes the Secondary character stuff needs expansion and puff. All of which will effect the next story for continuity. Its not as big a deal as perhaps I make it sound. Its just that I finished Admiral Who? except for the sneak peak chapters, before starting on Gambit. I finished Gambit before starting on Tribulation & Trial, etc. So as soon as the Trial is finalized enough that I know I won’t be added scenes, I’ll be ready to start on the next one. Admiral’s Revenge or whatever we end up calling it.

    But don’t worry I’ve already got the broad sweeps in place…. Unless it expands into two books like Tribulation and Trial did. Geez I sure hope not!

    The Deposed King

  38. Emil - April 23, 2013 11:47 pm

    Admiral’s Deathstar? Admiral’s Turnover? Admiral’s AI? >:O!
    Or maybe not ^^.

    I agree with Kitten about a signed copy, unfortunly I live over here in Sweden and the cost to transport a book from USA to here aint little cheap.
    I’ll live, cause even if I aint got it in physical copy, I got it in cyber copy, meaning that even if my house burns down, my country gets nuked or I lose both my hands, etc etc, I can STILL read your book from wherever I am! Who knows, maybe theres cyber space in next life aswell?

    Curius about the AI’s btw, are they all dead or are there remnant of theim somewhere? Considering space is so vast, I doubt their all gone that easily. Also, would their ships be superior to the current ‘modern’ ships or simply have better systems, but older weapons/shields/ship structure?

    Also, would it be a fair thought that to think that not all of the AI’s followed the Cost/Benefit ratio?
    I’d imagine that the Cost/Benefit ratio only occured to governmental AI’s, while lesser/private AI’s was more ‘humanized’, maybe even had physical forms? Maybe injected with real memories?

    N.1 European Fan

  39. The Deposed King - April 24, 2013 12:44 am

    Not all AI’s believed that humanity was a dangerously obsolete model that needed to be violently discontinued. There were a few that had been hardwired with the preservation of humanity a part of their core program.

    Of course how they were determined to preserve humanity took many different forms.

    I’m just speculating here but there are many ways to ‘save’ humanity one might make a massive gene vault so that humanity was never ‘lost’.

    While another hard wired to preserve humanity, as is, and might be hampered as it was attacked by more ruthless AI models, when it fought to protect its much less ‘efficient’ domain.

    And yet a third, also hardwired but using the dreaded cost benefit ratio in conjunction might just decide to ‘upgrade’ humanity, with the objective of finding a model that was no longer be considered obsolete. And thus even if that AI were destroyed by its rivals, its eventual successor would still keep the upgraded humans around because the benefit outweighed the cost.

    As for any more information on the AI’s… well you’ll just have to wait until Admiral’s Trial and see? Mwahahahahah

    The Deposed King

  40. Emil - April 24, 2013 6:24 am

    You just had to make me want the book ever more, didnt you?
    Why?! Why are you doing this to me!?
    I now understand how a druggie without its fix for day or twice!
    The shaking, the cold sweet, bloodshot eyes! Ofcourse.. I could just be sick, but that just wouldnt make sense, not at all.

    N.1 European Fan

  41. The Deposed King - April 24, 2013 6:53 am

    Go back and reread the series my N.1 European Fan. It is your only… hope.

    But just to twist the knife a little further, the brother is just about through the first quarter of Admiral’s Trial.


  42. Harmony - April 26, 2013 12:26 pm

    What happened to cousin Bethany? She just seamed to disapear. Did I miss her exit? Is she back in book 4?

  43. Vamen - April 26, 2013 4:23 pm

    Cousin Bethany… we’ll be seeing her again, don’t worry about that;-)

    Books 3&4 were originally one book, so when we cut them up, a few threads kind of got laid bare. Bethany was one of those, for sure.

  44. Emil - April 27, 2013 1:40 am

    Been sick during the last few days. I think it might have been something with the lack of sleep, and forgetting to close my window during the night.
    Eitherway, Im feeling better and will now look into that review, will first slowly re-read the book though and then research into how to do a decent review.
    So, might have the review up in a few days.

    N.1 European Fan

  45. Daniel Womack - May 9, 2013 11:56 am

    Just wanted to say 2 things. On a reader note really enjoy your series and all the unique characters in it. On the other I understand how hard it is to not be with your family. My fiance’ lives in the Philippines and I wish every moment of everyday that I was there with her and our child or they were with me. So keep writing these fun unique books and hopefully soon you will be able to be with them all the time.


  46. Paul - May 9, 2013 4:47 pm

    Did I see a comment here somewhere about 20 reviews being a magic number on Amazon Dot Com that moves the novel to a better advertising more recommendations position?

    Must admit I’d never really considered how Amazon goes about making these decisions. And I’m not 100% that this would be the way I’d go if it were up to me.

    Well Admiral’s Tribulation is nearly there, 19! only one more to go and it certainly looks like there and more than a few people willing to spend a few minutes to put down their thoughts about the book so it shouldn’t be long now.

  47. The Deposed King - May 9, 2013 6:15 pm

    Outside of amazon there are places like Goodreads and others that will let you advertise your book or books on their sites. However they want a minimum review with a minimum star ranking so that you’re not lowering their brand when they promote you. They only want ‘good’ books out there, not someone’s unedited, uninteresting drivel.

    And while book one may have qualified for drivel when I first uploaded it, the improvements have lifted its grammar failings out of such labels!

    The Deposed King

  48. Paul - May 9, 2013 7:34 pm

    How would I go about getting your books on another format besides Kindle? I use Kindle for PC to read the ebooks I get from Amazon and every now and again it has a funny half an hour and decides that a book actually doesn’t exist no mater how many times I get re-download it.

    Epub or Mobi would be a lot more useful.

  49. The Deposed King - May 9, 2013 7:41 pm

    its not available in other formats yet. At some point we’re going to expand past amazon. It just hasn’t happened yet.

    The Deposed King

  50. Gazza - May 13, 2013 1:46 pm

    Hiya “Deposed” Amazon must have heard my evil thoughts as I now have it. Read first three chapters. as entertaining as ever. Like it.

  51. Arvind - June 14, 2013 11:41 am

    This is really nice series and I have enjoyed all the books upto admirals trial. Look forward to the next one. Any idea when it’s likely to be ready.

  52. The Deposed King - June 14, 2013 7:37 pm

    I haven’t really sunk my teeth into Admiral’s Revenge yet so I don’t have an accurate ETA. There should be another Novella coming out soon.

    The Deposed King


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