Admiral’s War Part One!
Hello there and sorry for the delay. After the move to this blog site the number of people visiting declined and then on top of that the spam was just incredible. To the point I was spending at least fifteen minutes every time I came to visit. Hopefully that’s fixed now and this site will start seeing a lot greater activity from yours truly!
Now on to the part you’ve all been waiting for. Some of you have asked when the next book will be coming out? Well get ready for a surprise! I just uploaded the next book in the series.
Book 9: Admiral’s War Part One was just uploaded onto amazon so expect a 6-12 hour delay before its up for sale!
And for those of you who have been waiting for an email notification I apologize. More technical difficulties. I hope I can get those straightened out and get that list set up soon. Fingers crossed.
The Deposed King
aka Luke Sky Wachter
Ron - January 3, 2016 12:07 am
Joshua Wachter - January 7, 2016 10:56 pm
Not a problem Ron! Its fans like you guys that are what keep me writing. I hope you enjoy the book.
The Deposed King