Book 3 – Beta’s go go go!

From the Blog

Book 3 – Beta’s go go go!

Broke the book up into two halves.  The first half is through the initial editing passes and off to the Beta readers.  Just fired off a copy an hour or two ago.

Current thinking is to break Admiral in Spite of Himself up into two separate books.

Book 3: Admiral’s Tribulation


Book 4: Admiral’s Trial

But we’ll see what the beta’s think first!  I just don’t want to leave you waiting any longer than necessary.  Hopefully by the time the beta’s have read through Tribulation, the Trial will be through its editing passes.

Anyway, editing and beta’s and such can be a bit longer than it might initially seem.  So fingers crossed!

The Deposed King


  1. Emil - April 3, 2013 5:56 am

    Oh God, Oh God, Oh god.. I feel like I’ve drank coffe, spiked with redbull, which were spiked with coffe.. Im just so damn hyped.
    Damnit lad, news like these you have to ease ous into first! Cant just shove it all on ous like this!

  2. Ayende Rahien - April 3, 2013 7:35 am

    Any way I can get in on the beta cycle?

  3. Exo - April 3, 2013 12:02 pm

    Aye way to go! If you need any extra Beta readers, we certainly would be happy to help! 😛

  4. Paul - April 3, 2013 5:07 pm

    Now I’m kind of worried you might be rushing things . . . don’t pressure from us stalkers push you into anything.

  5. Paul - April 3, 2013 5:08 pm

    Edit pretend there’s a “let” in between don’t and pressure in the above post.

  6. The Deposed King - April 3, 2013 7:18 pm

    Hahahha Never fear its got to go through a few beta readers before I can shove this one out the door. Plus the Cover is still up in the air a bit. I’ve got a few but… they still needs the title and author name. As well as a firm decision on which cover to use!

    The Deposed King

  7. Charles - April 7, 2013 11:15 am

    So we have to patiently wait…


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