Book Update

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Book Update

Okay its official, the book is going to be split up into two parts.

The Rough Draft of part one just came in at 118k and the brother and I are planning to go over it sometime between this weekend and next after which we’ll probably put it up on Pacific Crest for beta readers.

I’ve got a few more chapters of splading I want to do as well as a pair of sneak peek chapters for the second half but in any case its now in the pipeline.

Because its split in two I’m not sure if it’ll carry the Invincible Title or not, cause you know, only one of the now two books can go that way.

Thanks for everyone whose been following up and checking in on the books progress!

The Deposed King


  1. KTnTX - July 11, 2014 4:32 pm

    I like the universe you have created for the little admiral. Have you given thought to allowing other authors to create stories from other sectors or even other periods in its history alas what Eric flint has done with the ring of fire series (1632 et al)?

  2. The Deposed King - July 11, 2014 10:24 pm

    Thought yes…. And at some point mayhap. However last time I looked at the idea I came up with a ‘no’ for answer.

    On the other hand I’ve been thinking about doing an anthology lately. Either a bunch of spineward sectors or other sectors in the universe (Imperial Provinces or the Crimson Cluster) short stories/novella type works versus just short stories with other authors with mine being spineward sectors offerings and theirs being whatever.

    Right now the answer is still ‘no’, but I suppose if I was looking to bulk up a spineward sector anthology and someone had a story set in the universe that was worthy of the universe, didn’t have anything else published and would settle for having their name put up on the anthology as an author on amazon so they could link the book to their author page, and didn’t really expect any money for their efforts, I might consider it.

    Things might change in the future. I’ve talked with my brother about getting other authors and doing a big anthology and doing a resultant profit split on an anthology or series of novellas set in the universe.

    Honestly my main concern isn’t money, except as I’ve heard about people clawing each other apart over rights issues. We’re pretty easy going over here.

    I’m more concerned with things like:

    1) Going over everything submitted, although truthfully my brother being the editor of the two of us would be doing more of that

    2) Offending someone’s feelings with a rejection or more likely when having my brother go over the thing (exactly like he does for me) with suggestions for minor changes for grammar, or tech issues to keep it in hoil with the universe or structural issues. Sorry no aliens in this sector yet, only genetic uplifts, human genies like tractoans but not tractoans because there are no splinter colonies or this or that etc.

    Authors can get more than a tad defensive about what they’ve created (lord knows I have and still do sometimes, although it was a lot worse when I first started out)

    3) The whole problem of people putting forth ideas and then claiming that something I wrote was somehow based on their idea, I stole it, and thus they need financial compensation. A lot of authors are worried about letting people play in their universes because of these issues, to the point they say they won’t even read e-mails or posts with story ideas in them. All because some lazy bugger who won’t ever write a novel himself, thinks his (supposedly stolen) great idea is worth half the work of writing the book.

    Honestly I have so many ideas floating around in my head I will never be able to write them all down. Plus I share ideas all the time. I used to throw out lots of them on Nuttal’s website and still do at times. My brother and I go back and forth with story ideas and refinements and I’ve used a few of his and he’s used a few of mine. I can’t remember exactly but if the Sword of Friendship (ala the JaTH book my brother wrote) idea wasn’t mine then I sure as heck put a lot of secondary peripheral ideas out there. I could say he stole it, or since he wrote the book first, if I wrote a book of my own, now, based around the same concept he could in turn claim I stole his idea. In this instance of course we agreed one of us would write a story based on the sword of friendship idea and he was chomping at the bit and wanted to do it so we talked about it and he wrote his book about it, so this isn’t an issue.

    But just having to think about all the potential issues is a headache. I’m more of a: 1) is it good, 2) do we have room, 3) red light/green light – lets do it! kind of a guy by nature. All the rest of it is a headache I don’t want.

    Finally my brother has been working on some kind of written agreement whereby people could participate, we were more thinking about Chris Nuttal’s joint universe project he’s inviting other authors to participate in, slash, adopting or creating one of our own for the spineward sectors at some point. For a spineward sectors thing we would probably do some kind of profit sharing thing, split equally among the authors in the anthology, and handled by my brother. But we’re not there yet.

    If cabe has any ideas you and he can go back and forth on it. I’m not shutting things down entirely, just saying there are some issues we haven’t overcome or decided to overcome yet.

    Hope this wasn’t too confusing!

    The Deposed King

  3. KTnTX - July 13, 2014 7:37 am

    That was perfect. I am completely ignorant on what goes into the business/creative side of writing. I am an I talented fan. However I love business and learning about the business side of almost anything (car washes, apartment complexes, maid services, YouTube creators, etc.. It drives my wife nuts with all the questions I ask people). With you being an ExPat does that affect which countries intellectual property rights apply, or do you copywrite in each country separately?

  4. KTnTX - July 13, 2014 7:37 am

    That was perfect. I am completely ignorant on what goes into the business/creative side of writing. I am an I untalented fan. However I love business and learning about the business side of almost anything (car washes, apartment complexes, maid services, YouTube creators, etc.. It drives my wife nuts with all the questions I ask people). With you being an ExPat does that affect which countries intellectual property rights apply, or do you copywrite in each country separately?

  5. KTnTX - July 13, 2014 7:59 am

    Oops sorry when I tried to correct “talented” to read “untalented” it somehow double posted.

  6. Vamen - July 13, 2014 9:43 pm

    You know,the whole ‘copyright’ system for artists (which authors sort of are) is a strange field. Basically for indie authors it’s not really plausible to ‘copyright’ things in the traditional sense. There are certain rights which are afforded the creator of a unique work, and most of those work for us since we’re e-published by Amazon or other, similarly large entities, and those are the ones we basically rely on.

    By saying that your work is copyright, you’re basically telling people that it’s not open source and they have no right to use it, but in the end it’s all so onerous and expensive to litigate that all it would take is a few monkeys flinging poo to mess up an author’s livelihood. Amazon takes some steps to assist, but ultimately it’s a pretty empty void out here.

    And when it comes to other people writing in our series’, I specifically made Sphereworld a setting which would be open for other authors after I’ve written enough material to create a scope and scale of the world. But with the Spineward Sectors, while Josh has the entire thing lined up between his ears, it’s really hard to write something that is A) interesting on its own merits and B) doesn’t violate his unrevealed parameters for the universe.

    Still, we’re definitely going to be including other authors at some point. Especially if we both end up spawning successful series’. Until then we’re basically in nose-to-the-grindstone mode.


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