Falon Update – Beta Readers

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Falon Update – Beta Readers

Well guys the brother’s a well over half way done on the first pass of the Falon edit and I’m still on the new laptop. This means that I’m still recovering all my passwords. Hopefully by monday, if not sooner, I will be able to get into the blog e-mail.

Regardless of this fact I’m getting ready to start assembling beta readers who feel interested in helping to beta read my Falon Half Blood fantasy novel. Well… Novel and Prequel.

You see during his first pass of the 180k or there abouts of material I’ve written so far, the Brother decided the best thing to do was to split the thing into a 40k prequel with the rest, including the new revised and extended ending I’ve written to make up book 1. Depending on exactly where we make the cut off between books 1 and what will eventually be book 2 (book 2 won’t be written until at least after Revenge is completed), book 1 should be between 120-140k. Or about the same size as an Admiral book.

The main reason for splitting this thing is that the pre-quel reads a little slower than what will be Book 1. It seems it just isn’t quite as popping a place to start a series from.

So to start anyone who wants to help with beta’ing the novella just use the same [Sign Up/Report and Error] button on the blog as before and drop me a line. I don’t promise to accept everyone and I do understand that a new fantasy novel isn’t every sci-fi lover’s cup of tea so if you’re not interested no sweat. We had over 30 beta readers for Admiral’s Trial and most of you guys were a really great help. We only had a few duds.

Pretty much we’re looking for with Falon is the same thing.

1) Help us with what you liked, what you didn’t, plus any typos, misspelling, grammar/comma errors, and any story or plot holes you’ve spotted along the way. I know there were a few of those in there from the Bar people, don’t know if we got them all cleaned up or not.


2) A review up on amazon

Preferably we’d like help with both but either one of them helps us make the books and series better as we go along.

Obviously if you don’t respond to us with comments on how to make these early drafts better and at the same time can’t be bothered to put up a review for us that’s not trying to be a beta reader. That’s just bumming a free e-arc. Fortunately we hasn’t been much of an issue yet because we’ve got a great community here.

So lets keep that going and help us all make this book be all it can be!

You guys are the best and I appreciate all your help and support. Just let me know if you’d like to take a crack at the prequel and Book 1 when its ready too!

The Deposed King


  1. Emil - July 20, 2013 5:55 am

    Great news!
    Also. “most of you guys were a really great help.”
    The word Im gonna focus on in that are “most”, meaning someone didnt help out. Who?!
    Also, count me in for the review. Though, I’ve never done an fantasy review. In fact, the only review I’ve done is
    for your Admiral book. [You lucky dawg] Suppose I’ll pop a review for your other Admiral books though, its just I dont
    feel that any words I write will fully point out how great the book is. Wont do theim at this moment though, I will do theim
    once I finished reading the books through again. Which, might be sooner than later.

    Looking forward to the release.
    N.1 Euro Fan

  2. The Deposed King - July 20, 2013 6:33 am

    Now that would be telling 🙂

    Also even just a couple sentences and along with an amazon star review helps.

    I take it you want to beta for the Falon stuff?

    The Deposed King

  3. Emil - July 20, 2013 7:14 am

    Think I already signed up for Falon?
    I hit the sign up button a few days ago.
    I’ll go ahead and hit it again now then.

    Also, alright with the review. I shall do as thee command, oh Almighty Writer.
    I’ll start reading the first admiral book this evening after dinner. Gonna take it slow but good.
    Seriusly, how come I never get bored of your books? Its like you put drugs in theim and now Im addicted..

    N.1 Euro Fan

  4. The Deposed King - July 20, 2013 7:16 am

    LOL. Glad you like them!

    The Deposed King

  5. Emil - July 20, 2013 8:51 am

    Like? LIKE?! To weak!
    I love em’
    I would marry em’ in a heartbeat if I could!
    Unfortunately, cyber marriages is unheard of, especially towards books.

    And now, I’m gonna take my reader and lay down in my hammock.
    You shall have thee wish fulfilled, Oh Almighty Writer.

    Also, a thank you should be given to your brother for all the help with the book.
    ‘Thank you’.

    N.1 Euro Fan

  6. The Deposed King - July 21, 2013 11:58 pm

    Hahahaha. Thanks Emil. So I finally got with my webmaster people and got my access restored to the blog e-mail. Alas part of the reason I couldn’t log in is because they recently had to move servers. When I got them to give me the new ID and Pass word it turns out while they backed up the regular blog, when it comes to the report an error blog e-mail, they lost everythign since about may 20th.

    So anyone whose applied for beta reading the new Falon books or reported an error this month will need to resend it.

    Sorry for the problem guys!

    The Deposed King

  7. Emil - July 22, 2013 4:11 am

    Does that mean I have to re-re-send it again?

    n.1 Euro Fan

  8. The Deposed King - July 22, 2013 5:02 am

    Nope, I’ve still got your e-mail from the Admiral’s Trial beta e-arc. So check your e-mail, it should be in there now!

    The Deposed King

  9. Emil - July 22, 2013 8:12 am

    That was quick.
    Now I’m in a bind.. Finish reading Admiral Who? Or start on the beta?.. Sigh..
    The pains I’m put through.
    I’ll finish Admiral who, then after workout, shower & eat dinner and then! Beta time!

    N.1 Euro Fan

  10. Alves - July 23, 2013 2:53 pm

    I will wait until the next admiral book is done before applying for an e-arc again, but I will certainly buy and review Falon when it is released by amazon.

  11. Alex - July 23, 2013 4:25 pm

    I might have missed the news, but could you provide the link for book Description of Falon. Only aware its a fantasy…

  12. Emil - July 24, 2013 12:15 am

    I’ll be brunt with you, Falon didn’t stick to my tastes. I am not much of a fantasy guy to start with anyway to admit the truth.
    However! I’ll buy the book when it comes out, to support you 😀
    I intend to finish the arc tomorrow since I got other matters to attend to today.
    Looking forward to the Admiral books.

    N.1 Euro fan

  13. The Deposed King - July 24, 2013 1:26 am

    Different strokes for different folks and the novella I sent you became a prequel because its a little slower and with less action in it than the main novel. Thanks for the help emil.

    The Deposed King


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