Free Promo – 1 day only!

From the Blog

Free Promo – 1 day only!

The free promo for Admiral’s Lady: Eyes of Ice, Heart of Fire is set to run on April 16th.  So for all of you loyal readers, you can get it tomorrow!

Hope you all enjoy it.  I know my brother is very proud of it and so am I.

Have a blast and enjoy!

The Deposed King


  1. andrew - April 15, 2013 9:59 pm

    Except all of us loyal readers got it minutes after it went live on Amazon 😛

  2. Ayende Rahien - April 15, 2013 10:16 pm

    Just bought it instead of waiting for the free promo.

  3. The Deposed King - April 16, 2013 3:42 am

    Thanks to all you loyal readers.

    Its guys like you that let guys like me write full time. Much appreciated you guys.

    The Deposed King

  4. KTnTx - April 16, 2013 5:04 pm

    I can’t find it on amazon. Did I miss it?

  5. Kitten - April 19, 2013 2:21 am

    Sooo… any ETA on Tribulation? Just started my 2 week holiday from study and want something to do… Just wondering…

  6. Vamen - April 19, 2013 5:37 am

    I have about a hundred pages of corrections to ratify, then I just need to sit down for a couple hours with the luke sky’s dad. Barring catastrophe, book three should be out before monday.

  7. Vamen - April 19, 2013 5:42 am

    The above might be confusing…lol. I meant that, of the ~550 pages the book shows in my word file, i am 100% finished with 450 of them. At this stage, i can do about 150 pages per day. So about a day of work, then a day of crossing T’s and dotting I’s with the author, and it’s ready for e-shelves.

  8. Kitten - April 19, 2013 6:24 am

    Two days? Yeah, I can wait that long… Can’t wait… tis gonna be epic!!!

    Only problem is to figure out what to do with the weekend… the fiancee is working this weekend… So yeah… guess I should just knock out some of that homework I need to do before I go back… stupid programming homework… XD

    But anywho… enough rambling from me! Glad to hear it should be very soon, can’t wait, you guys are awesome!

  9. Kitten - April 19, 2013 6:26 am

    I just realized that I said “I can wait that long… Can’t wait…” which now sounds stupid after I read it back to my self…

    On another note, you guys ever going to update WP? We are up to 3.5 now…

  10. Vamen - April 20, 2013 8:25 am

    Ok…finished with the edit. Just need to confirm that the last bits of sprucing get Josh’s blessing, and we should be live. With a little luck (fingers crossed) it should be ready for your Kindles by 24 hours from now!

  11. Alves - April 20, 2013 1:06 pm


  12. Paul - April 20, 2013 5:02 pm


  13. Kitten - April 20, 2013 7:15 pm



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