Getting ready for the Super Typhoon

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Getting ready for the Super Typhoon

Hey guys just an FYI I may be incommunicado for a while as there’s a Super Typhoon about to slam into Cebu. Its already hit Leyte and some of the pinoy relatives have already lost their houses according to cell phone calls.

So the philippines may lose power, water, internet, etc. So if I don’t respond to anything for a while, its not because I’ve lost the love for my fans.

On an interesting note they say the winds should get to 150 miles per hour, or 200+ kilometers per hour.

I’ll report back with more info on the reality of going through a Super Typhoon when I get back. All I can report right now is some moderate winds (nothing to get excited about all on their own) and a wife who is frantically running around putting all her stuff into plastic tubs and our airline suitcases. heheehheheh!

Have a blast!

The Deposed King


  1. intersectRaven - November 7, 2013 10:53 pm

    I was about to comment about Revenge when I read this. Be careful out there since I believe it’s gonna be hit directly by Yolanda. Anyways, I really like the Spalding parts of the book. Where do you get inspiration for those parts? Love to read more books about characters like him. 🙂

  2. Ulrich - November 8, 2013 12:12 am

    Hey Josh,

    hope you will do well. Look out for the family. best luck.


  3. Vamen - November 8, 2013 12:59 am

    All is well here in the Philippines =) The storm came and bellowed its righteous fury from about 6am to 1pm and left Cebu entirely powerless. I live on the opposite side of the island from Josh, but we are in cellphone contact and everyone on his side is good.

    Now I know what 100mph winds feel like in my face, hahaha. I think my best description would be ‘The breath of God.’

  4. The Deposed King - November 8, 2013 4:13 am

    Power just came back 10 minutes ago. All is well over here on this side of the island. I guess one of the benefits of being the most powerful storm is that it moved twice as fast as a normal typhoon and scooted right over us in about half the usual time. Instead of peaking at 2pm like projected it was actually about over at 2pm.

    Anyway in response to intersectRaven’s question about Spalding inspiration. I took my inspiration from both fictional and non-fictional characters. I think everyone knows someone, a mechanic, millwright or truck driver who can go on and on about how things ‘should’ be done and how ‘they’d’ do it if someone appointed them dictator for life. Mainly focusing about how the ‘boss’ is running things all wrong etc. And they are actually quite knowledgable, with nuggets of wisdom strewn and interlaced between most of their complaints, but despite all this tey tend to go on and on and on… pontificating. The other part is the fictional side. There’s a certain Chief Engineer of a starship that served as key inspiration for Mr. Spalding the way he could always come up with an engineering work around or integrate a new technology or quite simply come up with an amazing save in the nick of time. A man who admitted to literally writing the tech manuals with an eyes towards putting some wiggle room and ‘slack’ into how long things ‘should’ take to fix. So that he could maintain his reputation as a miracle worker.

    Hope that partially answers that question.

    The Deposed King

  5. Marty - November 9, 2013 1:05 pm

    I’m happy to hear that your ok. You fast becoming my favorite author just finished Admiral Revenge, think I’m going to have to become one of your beta readers just to get at your new books first. Stay safe.

  6. Johntae - November 9, 2013 2:49 pm

    And they say Prepers are nuts. Always have that back up plan ready to go.

  7. The Deposed King - November 9, 2013 5:54 pm

    Glad to hear I’m rising in the estimation 😉 Revenge has been a book I’ve been planning for a while now! As for beta reading listen for news on the blog.

    As far as ‘Prepers’ there’s nothing wrong with some common sense readiness. If your area has typhoons and power/water and food services have historically been down for days or weeks after such an occurance, its not ‘nuts’ to have a supply of food and water set aside and a generator if you can afford it (I can’t) with some gas. If you’re area is prone to hurricains in florida etc. It just makes sense to be prepared. Now if you prepare for a significant amount beyond that you can either be ready for serious trouble or have the wherewithal to help others who are more short sighted. Assuming you’re into the whole spirit of charity thing. Charity isn’t something taxed for and mandated by the government. Its something you chose to do for others in need on a personal level.

    Anyway glad you guys enjoyed the books, we’re safe over here (although an expedition is being prepared to head over to our neighboring island of Leyte to make sure the extended family over there is still a live) so have a blast!

    The Deposed King

  8. JoviWonKenobi - November 10, 2013 7:17 am

    Hey, I also live in the Philippines. As far as being a “Prepper”. Better to have it and not need it. Than to need it and not have it. Praying for all the families living down there. Know a lot of girls who have families in the Leyte area and all are worried.

  9. Jo Woodruff - November 10, 2013 12:01 pm

    I have been holding my breath. I have not been able to access my email for some reason and didn’t know if you were all ok. It took me a full day to realize I could come here. Blessings to your family and if you need anything that the mail can bring, let me know. I hope everything is ok with the extended family too. Good luck Joshua.
    As usual, new book rocks! Truly my favorite Author!

  10. The Deposed King - November 10, 2013 5:24 pm

    Well my wife’s father and male cousin are going taking a ride on a ferry over there and are to leave around 8pm. They’re heading over to polompon, leyte. So at some point we should have some first hand information on what its like on the ground over there.

    The Deposed King

  11. The Deposed King - November 10, 2013 5:25 pm

    And Jo, thanks for the concern but we’re all okay over here. The house survived it without losing a single piece of tin. Also I’m glad you liked the book, I think its a winner but then against I am the author ahahahahahh!

    The Deposed King

  12. Paul - November 11, 2013 10:07 pm

    Glad to hear you made it through ok.


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