I just started a Face Book Group
For anyone whose interested I just started a Face Book Group called: Multi-Sector Patrol Fleet. I uploaded an image file for the cover of Admiral Invincible as the group picture. So if you haven’t seen it yet, you can go over there and see if you can check it out!
In other news I hope to finish the review of No Middle Ground, my brother’s novel following Captain Middleton and the Pride of Prometheus as they hare off on a lost patrol of their own.
Also my brother is still pounding away on the Falon edits.
Hope everyone is doing well!!
the Deposed King
The Deposed King
Archit - May 8, 2014 7:25 am
I am really eager the read Falon 2, I hope I can get a chance to beta read it.
The Deposed King - May 8, 2014 11:11 pm
I’ll see what we can do about that.
The Deposed King
Technitium - May 9, 2014 6:29 am
Can’t wait for Falon 2 as well. I must have read Falon 1 three-four times by now. I would be very interested in helping with the beta read. Anything to help getting it released faster!
bibliophile - May 13, 2014 9:41 am
don’t know if it matters but this is my preferred page for you info, don’t need to be signing onto facebook at work. just an FYI so you dont let your primary page die.
Now that there are two of you writing we will be expecting books twice as often.
The Deposed King - May 13, 2014 3:23 pm
No Midddle Ground by my Brother has just come out on amazon.
Check it out!
The Deposed King
Vamen - May 17, 2014 9:54 pm
We’ll never let this page die, for sure. But in the future we’ll be aligning things a bit differently; for now, we’ll keep posting everything everywhere until we create a more efficient method of delivery. Cross-posting to five or six sites is a bit of a pain, and being natural procrastinators (‘slackers’ in Spalding terminology) we just don’t want to get overwhelmed by the thought of hour-long blog sessions every morning just to make sure everything gets posted everywhere.
But for sure, admiralwho.com is a keeper 🙂