The Sword of Friendship or JaTh
Well the brother is in need of all the help he can get with his Sword of Friendship book. Its just not the same editing for yourself as it is for someone else.
So I know he could use all the help he can get with looking at his book. Its just gone up on:
So if you’re in the mood for a free book to read that’s in the beta stage and you’ve got some time on your hands. Go over there, sign up and request to read the book. He’ll approve you in no time and you can start reading.
Thanks for all the help!
The Deposed King
Emil - January 31, 2014 12:58 pm
Just applied to beta read it, and I noticed something, I got a badge! ‘First of the first 100 people to sign up’ on the site! Yah! (I usually do not get first position 🙂 )
Now I got offical proof I’m N.1!
N.1 Euro Fan
The Deposed King - January 31, 2014 7:50 pm
Way to go, Emil. I hope its good. I’m going to start reading it too. Even I the all powerful brother have yet to see it (lol).
The Deposed King
Vamen - February 5, 2014 9:29 pm
All applicants have been approved for beta status on the book, so you should be able to get in there and give it a look 🙂
Emil - February 6, 2014 10:45 am
Reading on and onwards!
Will take a lil’ while though, got an exam on thursdag and one on sunday, so will spend most of my team studying this week I’m afraid.
N.1 Euro fan
The Deposed King - February 18, 2014 6:31 am
How’s it going, Emil?
Oh and hey sorry guys for the lack of updates lately, the brother’s been sicker than a dog, so needless to say not much work this past week. However word from him is he’s back to 60% and starting work again.
These dang funky jungle diseases, I’m just not used to them. Colds, flue, pneumonia, I’m used to dealing with all of those but some of these weird viral ones like Dengue and such… Anyway I hope he continues to get better!
The Deposed King
BoneCrushin - February 20, 2014 1:18 pm
Agreed. Get well soon!
Emil - February 24, 2014 4:26 pm
Things went south.
Turns out I got two more exams next week I also have to study for..
My days are full of projects, studying, gym and looking for a new apartment.
I did manage to read the first dozens of pages though.
I do hope your brother gets better soon, never fun being sick.
(Fun thinking that you could call in sick if the work is to much, but actually being sick is no fun)
N.1 Euro Fan
The Deposed King - February 24, 2014 6:44 pm
Yeah Dengue is not joke. Anyway no worries, Emil. I hope everything goes well with your apartment hunt and of course school projects. Keep after it!
The Deposed King