The Witchguard Question?
So I just finished a big long reply to a question about the next witch guard book and decided that while I’m at it I should address it fully and not just in a comment buried under another topic as a reply.
So here’s the question:
Wakabam47 – February 26, 2015 9:51 pm
Just wondering but are you working on the Admiral or will you working another side story or the witch guard story?
and here’s the long winded round about answer I gave!:
Sorry for the late reply guys, it’s just taken a while to get this site fully transferred over.
Anyway on the production front I’m about half way done with Spineward Sectors Book 8 either going to be Admiral’s War or Admiral’s Challenge. As for the Witch Guard I really want to get another book in that series out this year but I’m just not sure when I’m going to get to it. I promised Chris Nuttal an Imperium Cicernus book last year that I never delivered on, I wanted to get another Witch Guard out last year and right now I’m adopting my neice and nephew in preparation for us all going back to the states in 2016. For which I need cash.
Sadly (or not heheheeh) the Admiral pays the best right now. So I’m bound and determined to put this next admiral book out as fast as possible and depending on how I’m feeling probably the next one as well. The Arc I’m on right now was originally envisioned as big enough for at least a two book arc and its definitely going to be two books the way I’m writing it right now, so unless I’m feeling burned out I want to get to the second half of the plot arc right away. All of which means probably two more Admiral books to both finish out the current arc I’m working on as well as line up some money: Admiral Invincible (just out in Jan), Admiral’s War part 1 (maybe out may), Admiral’s War part 2. Then I’ll have time to work on either a Witch Guard or an Imperium Cicirnus book or…. (I’ve had book ideas for several new magic series I’ve wanted to work on) there is also my very much long lamented first novel that stalled out at 60k words written and was never completed: tentatively titled Military Inset which is totally a space based Put Them Down, Imperial setting Sci-Fi book.
So choices-choices. And the only way to get them out the door is just to sit down and write them!
The Deposed King